Monday, June 1, 2009

Fun times at Grandma's

Care to join Zackary for a 'dip' in his new pool?

The water is great and there are treats for everybody after we've had fun!See ya at Grandma's and Grandpa's but you better hurry before the water gets cold because Grandma will not heat another pot of water.

"To you parents, express your love to your children.
Pray for them that they may be able to withstand the evils of the world.
Pray that they may grow in faith and testimony.
Pray that they may pursue lives of goodness and of service to others."
President Monson, April 2009


Rachel Smith said...

I love the toe hilarious. Where did you get that awesome pool? Things are much fancy now then when I was a kid swimming in the backyard!

Retiredducks said...

Thanks Chelsea for bringing the pool to the party.